Best hidden browsers to maintain privacy

Best hidden browsers to maintain privacy
tries to watch you and monitor your activity on the Internet,
companies, governments, Internet hackers and even your neighbors
sometimes snoop at you from behind the door, and they all want to know
what to do all the time.
So using a safer browser will make a big difference to your privacy.
1 - Tor Browser
is a very powerful browser in terms of security and privacy when using
the browser will not feel strange It is somewhat like Firefox, which
protects the personal data and messages online, from anyone or program
that analyzes the network traffic, and is available on all operating
systems Windows Mac and Linux.
2 - Epic Browser
You can use the Epic browser on Windows and Mac and provide maximum security and security while browsing.
For example, it does not save your history, it does not allow cookies of different sites and many other features.
When you close the browser, it automatically deletes any databases or anything else related to your entire data.
3 - Comodo Dragon browser
blocks all traces, adds cookies, blocks web spies and data thieves, and
comes with domain validation technology that will identify websites
that are protected and trusted by SSL certificate. Comodo browser is
Chrome-based, so it's easy to use.
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