India's Top 5 Super Computers

India's Top 5 Super Computers

India's Top 5 Super Computers

 Whenever it comes to computers, it comes to our mind that a machine that can work fast and without precision, but when it comes to supercomputer, a big computer computer comes in front of you  Only millions can make calculations.  Great computers are being worked on supercomputers all over the world but India is far behind in this case.

 America has 233 supercomputers :-

 There are only 233 supercomputers in the US, while their number in India is only 11.  On the other hand, 2 computers have been included in the Top 100 list.  Recently, the organization named Top 500 Project has released a list of 500 top supercomputers worldwide, including 11 supercomputers in India.  Let us know that the organization named Top 500 Project collects statistics about supercomputers.  This institution releases the list of countries with supercomputers every two years.

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 So let us know today in detail about India's top 5 supercomputers and their use.

 India's Top 5 Super Computers :-

 Supercomputers are being used in India from automobiles industry to research in medical and education.  Talk about the top 5 supercomputers in India, the names of supercomputers such as Sahras (Cray XC40), Aditya, TIFR Color Boson, IIT Delhi HPC and Ultimate Youth 2 are revealed.  Let's know about them.

SahasraT (Cray XC40):-
 The Sahastra Supercomputer has been named Super Computer Education and Research Center (SERC) at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore.  SERC helps in high-performance computing in the field of science and engineering.  Please tell Sahastra that he has secured 96th place in the top 500 list of the world's top 500 supercomputers.  Talking about the features of Sahastra Super Computer, it has Intel's Haswell Xeon E5-2680v3 processor and has been given NVIDIA K40 GPU for graphics.  It has a storage of 2.1PB (petabytes).  It has 1500 processors and 44 graphics.  It has 5600GB of RAM.  It works on the Linux operating system.  It is used in the aerospace engineering, meteorological predictions and astrological field.

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Aaditya (IBM / Lenovo System) :-
 Aditya is a super computer Indian Institute of Tropical Pune.  The Meteorological Department here is the most accurate Meteorological Department in India.  This super computer of IBM has been ranked 116th in the list of the world's top 500 supercomputers.  Regarding the specification of this super computer, it has a Intel Xeon Haswell E5-2670 2.6GHz processor and has 15 TB RAM.  The Linux operating system works in it.  This super computer is used to gather information about the weather.  It gives accurate data about predicting wind chakras for monsoon and forecasting air quality.  The weather forecast in the country uses this computer.

TIFR Color Boson :-
 This super computer has been placed in the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Facility.  This super computer has been set up in Hyderabad and has been ranked 145th in the list of the top 500 supercomputers in the world.  Speaking of its specification, it has Intel's Xeon E5-2680 processor and has NVIDIA Tesla K20x GPU for graphics.  There is a total of 1.1PB of storage in it.  There is also the Linux operating system.  It is used for research based on theoretical physics and quantum chromodynamics.  Through this, we get information about the universe.

IIT Delhi HPC :-
 IIT is India's fastest supercomputer in Delhi's campus.  The graphics in this super computer is only in some of the world's selected computers.  For this IIT Delhi is also working with NVIDIA.  This computer has ranked 166th in the list of the world's top 500 supercomputers.  Regarding its specification, it has the HP ProLiant XL230a server and the HP ProLiant XL250a Gen9 server, which has the support of NVIDIA's K40M GPU card.  There is a total storage of 1.5PB in it.  There are a total of 322 graphics cards that are NVIDIA's Tesla model K40M.  This super computer is used for research in the fields of biology, nanotechnology, atmospheric science, and bioinformatics.  Apart from this, the system is also used for study in the field of data analytics, deep learning, computational physics, chemistry, computational fluid dynamics and material science.

Param Yuva 2 :-

 The ultimate young 2 supercomputer is placed in the Center for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) in Pune.  Intel has built it and it is ranked 251 in the list of the world's top 500 supercomputers.  Speaking of specification, Intel has 221 Xeon E5-2670 nodes in it and it has a total of 200TB of storage.  There are 26520 co-processor cores in it.  The ultimate youth 2 is used in bioinformatics, space, weather forecasting, seismic data analysis, aerospace engineering, scientific research and medicine.  This computer can also be connected with the Indian Institute of Technology and National Institute of Technology through National Knowledge Network and can have high-speed data transfer.
